Pull-up tutorial | Starting Calisthenics

If you’re doing bodyweight training, pull-ups are almost unavoidable in a typical routine. Pull-ups are great for building upper body strength and mass. It is a basic move that can be modified into many different variations as you advance in calisthenics.
The pull-up is considered an advanced exercise. It’s more difficult than the chin-up, but the pull-up can be modified or done on an assisted machine for beginners, and you’ll still benefit from these variations.
Pull-ups are great for strengthening the back, arm, and shoulder muscles. It can also improve your grip strength since your grip has to be able to carry your body weight.
Here is a pull-up tutorial for beginners to help you understand how you can build your upper body strength to perform the pull-up and train with the correct form. Follow along in the video below and good luck!