A Study on Active Back Support Use in Reducing Fatigue in Office Personnel
Dr. Robert Rectenwald D.C., B.C.A.O. as outlined an abstract on his study about Active Back support use in office personnel. Read below to see Dr. Rectenwald's findings!
The suitability of a work station relative to ergonomics may affect the quality of work produced. Fatigue is a factor that decreases work quality. The support provided by office chairs is a factor in comfort and is possibly a factor in fatigue. The typical office chair has no provision for adjustability to the needs of the individual body type and dimension. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of active back support (ABS) use on the fatigue level of office personnel.
The fatigue symptom survey (FSS) is composed of 9 questions about activities of daily living. The subject rates to what degree fatigue affects these activities. The least affected would score 1 and the most affected would score 7 per question. An individual who is least affected by stress in these 9 activities would score a 9 and one most affected would score 63.
An FSS was administered to determine the level of fatigue in 20 subjects. The subjects were office personnel who are seated at a desk for more than 50% of their 8 hour work day. Each subject was issued a Thumper active back support (ABS) with a lumbar section that is adjustable for both height and for pressure on the back. The ABS was attached to the subject’s office chair. The ABS was used at all times during their work day for a period of 90 days. At this point a follow-up FSS was administered.
The initial total combined FSS score of the 20 subjects was 418. The follow-up combined FSS score was 296.
The use of an ABS was a factor in reducing fatigue level in office personnel who are seated for more than 50% of an 8 hour work shift.
Dr. Rectenwald Biography
Dr. Rectenwald has operated his own private chiropractic practice since 1985, was a Life University lab instructor, and has been a faculty clinician at Life since 1995. His interests include service on a Christian secondary education board; sports including tennis, running, motorcycle sport riding; chiropractic research topics: case studies and the technology of ergonomics.
Dr. Rectenwald is board certified in Atlas Orthogonal technique; board qualified in Grostic/orthospinology; H.I.O certified, and is rated proficient at Activator Advanced. His viewpoint: “Never underestimate the body’s ability to heal itself.”
Dr. Rectenwald has written several articles and presentations about his interests and areas of specialty. At the Center for Health and Optimum Performance, Dr. Rectenwald and his colleague, Dr. Pichette, have developed an upper cervical patient care unit. Here are his articles, a presentation, and details about the care unit.
Other research papers by Dr. Rectenwald