5 Running Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to running, you may think that running is an easy exercise. However, if you want to set goals to either run quickly or run for a long distance, then everything you know about running might not help you reach those goals.
Even if you don’t know what you want out of your run and what goals you want to work towards, running is a very common exercise and everyone can use some tips on how to make their running experience better. There are also other factors that can affect your running sessions, such as the gear you are using or the food you eat prior to your run.
With all things combined, running does take time to figure out so it is optimized to you and your needs. Check out the video below to learn about these tips and good luck!
After a run, make sure you calm your muscles down with a proper cool-down routine. To minimize muscle aches after your run, try using a deep-tissue massager like the Thumper Mini Pro to aid your lymphatic system get rid of waste like lactic acid.